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The College has fully equipped professional kitchen and restaurant laboratories that are used for practical cookery and food and drinks serving sessions. Classes held in these facilities give students the opportunity to train in real life situations. Students learn all the practical areas of food production and service such as kitchen layout and design, menu planning, purchasing, issuing orders, storage, sanitation, stewarding, and dining room management.

During classes students are separated into groups and teaching takes place with the use of role-playing. In many cases College staff, students and friends of the College are invited as customers and students practice their skills under real life conditions. Students often have the opportunity to experience the setting-up and servicing of special functions using these facilities, thus gaining invaluable experience. Finally, during summer vacation periods, Hotel Management students undertake paid employment in the thriving hotel industry of Nanded and surrounding areas, thus supplementing their education with additional hands-on experience in a very competitive environment.

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